Habit Contract

Habit Contract

A habit contract can be a useful tool to help an individual commit to developing positive habits. It outlines the details of the habit one wishes to develop, including the responsibilities and commitments the individual is willing to undertake to make this habit a regular part of their life.

How to Create a Habit Contract:

Answer the following questions and we will create a FREE custom habit contract for you.


  1. Be realistic in defining your habit, considering your current lifestyle, preferences, and limitations.
  2. Stay consistent with your actions and review the contract regularly to track your progress.
  3. Seek support from friends or family if necessary, and adjust the contract as needed to ensure that it remains relevant and achievable.
Name of the person who will help hold you accountable, if any
Name of the person who will help hold you accountable, if any

List alternative plans in case the original plan cannot be followed, addressing potential obstacles and providing solutions